Solar Cookers
​Insulated Solar Electric Cooker
The first image on the right is an "Insulated Solar Electric Cooker." This prototype was designed by the former team. The cooker sits in a well insulated hole and uses energy collected by the Photovoltaic Panel to heat the contents.
In the video you can see the implementation of a solar cooker by a former student in Uganda.
Insulated Pot with Immersion Heater
This is an example of an immersion heater where wire is ran through a hollow metal tube that sits physically in the pot. It is typically used to heat liquids, although it can also be used at low wattage for slow cooking dryer dishes.
Design Spring 2016
Non-Cal Poly Project of Similar Design
Alternative Cooker
Although there is sufficient evidence that these insulated solar electric cookers can meet the cooking needs for a family, in our target community, the Beacon of Hope secondary school, it doesn't seem to be a viable option. They cook three meals a day for 700 people, and that would require a much larger scale cooker if it were to replace their current wood-burning stoves. This would be very expensive to implement in the school.